The biology major requires 9 BIOL courses (at least 6 with lab) and 3 cognate courses (in chemistry and mathematics). 成绩低于C-的课程不得计入专业.

Students who are considering a major 在生物学中 should consult a member of the biology department as early in their undergraduate career as possible. The faculty member will help plan a sequence of courses appropriate for the student’s particular interests and needs.

对于两个B.A. and B.S. 学位,所有候选人必须完成以下要求.

基本要求: biol182l和biol183l.

Note that first year students interested 在生物学中 are strongly advised to take BIOL 182L and CHEM 111L in the fall semester, 杂志183升, 和CHEM 112L. Both biol182l和biol183l are required by most upper level courses 在生物学中, so completing them in the first year allows the greatest number of course options in the second year. 如果有必要的话, 学生可以在春季开始杂志183升的入门系列课程, 下学期再修BIOL 182L. Students are strongly advised to complete CHEM 111L and CHEM 112L by the end of their sophomore year; this provides the greatest flexibility in course choices later on.

宽度要求: 这两个领域各开设一门课程:生物多样性, 和“细胞/分子,从下面的列表中选择.

  • 生物多样性
    • 杂志215升. Botany
    • 杂志222升. 无脊椎动物
    • 杂志308升. 微生物学
  • 生命的细胞/分子基础
    • 杂志226升. 分子生物学的基础和技术
    • 杂志227升. 细胞生物学
    • 杂志317升. 生物化学

顶石要求: 从下面的列表中选择一门课程. These courses provide students with a culminating experience in the major and satisfy the senior exercise requirement. These courses also satisfy the Writing Intensive Part II requirement for the major. Students using research 在生物学中 (BIOL 419 or BIOL 425) to satisfy the capstone requirement should inform their research adviser so that appropriate writing intensive assignments are arranged.

  • BIOL 419. 生物学研究(图书馆),加上BIOL 403或BIOL 404
  • BIOL 425. 生物学研究(实验室),加上BIOL 403或BIOL 404
  • BIOL 429. 生态学行为机制
  • BIOL 431. 生理应激和疾病中的信号转导
  • 杂志434升. 进化生物学
  • BIOL 446. 细菌的发病机理
  • BIOL 464. 分子遗传学
  • 杂志473升. 感觉生物

选择性要求: Additional courses (200-level and above) to fulfill the 9 BIOL course (and 6 labs) requirement. 您可以从我们提供的200级及以上的课程中选择课程. These courses are intended to allow students the opportunity to explore other areas of biology in detail.

生物学专业的选修课: Elective courses are intended to allow students the opportunity to explore other areas of biology in detail. Only ONE course outside of the biology department from the lists below will be accepted toward the biology major.

  • 杂志206升. 组织生理学说
  • 杂志211升. 电子显微镜
  • BIOL 224或224L. Genetics
  • BIOL 233. 保护生物学
  • BIOL 244. 传染病生物学
  • 杂志310升. 发育生物学
  • 杂志315升. 脊椎动物学
  • 杂志319升. 动物生理学
  • 杂志333升. Ecology
  • NESC 201或201L. 神经科学原理:神经生物学
  • NESC 210. 神经内分泌学
  • 生物工程学报419或425,研究. Students who wish to use research 在生物学中 as one of their 9 majors courses must take either two semesters of BIOL 419 or 425, 或一个学期的同时注册BIOL 403或404课程, 研究研讨会.

下列其中一门课程可作为B的选修课.A. degree if taken before beginning the introductory sequence of BIOL 182 and 183:

  • BIOL 119. 营养学:食品与时尚
  • BIOL 120. 基因、克隆和生物技术
  • BIOL 122. 毒理学
  • BIOL 124. 基因与人类疾病
  • BIOL 141. 生物多样性与保护的全球视角
  • NESC 104. 身体带电
  • NESC 120. 神经连接
  • NESC 262. 动物行为学概论

同源的要求: 必修的同源课程包括CHEM 111L和112L, 哪些课程应该在大二结束前完成, 以及下列一门定量方法课程:MATH107, MATH 126, MATH 131, MATH 132, MATH 142, MATH 207, 心理学221升.

获得B.S. 在生物学中, students must complete the requirements listed above but must take BIOL224 (Genetics) as well as an additional physics or chemistry course, 比如物理101或化学211. 成绩低于C-的课程不得计入B.S.

Both B.S. and B.A. 学位为学生在该领域提供广度和深度. 理学学士(理学学士.S.) degree is recommended to undergraduates who want the strongest background in the discipline and to students who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in the biological (or related) sciences. 文学士(B).A.) degree offers a level of flexibility and is appropriate for students with plans that do not necessarily include graduate school. 要么是B.S. or B.A. degree is appropriate for students aspiring to health professions schools. If the biology major is to be used as preparation for one of the health-related professions, the student should consult with a member of the Health Professions Advising Committee (see the advising section in the Bulletin).



  • 生物医学科学. Students in this track complete courses related to the structure/function of life from cells and microbes to animals and humans. 这一组包括与健康有关的主题,如传染病, 细菌的发病机理, 大脑健康.
  • 有机体和进化生物学. Students in this track complete that emphasize the evolutionary diversity of life and how the earth’s organisms have adapted to their environments.
  • 细胞/分子生物学. Students in this track complete courses related to the molecular and cellular processes that are common to all life.
  • 野外生物学与生态学. Students in this track complete) courses related to the interactions of organisms and their environments.

如果学生选择完成某一特定领域的集中, they must complete four (4) courses within any one of the groups listed below. Transfer courses may be applied toward a concentration as approved by the department chair.


  • 杂志206升. 组织生理学说
  • BIOL 224. Genetics
  • 杂志227升. 细胞生物学
  • BIOL 244. 传染病生物学
  • 杂志308升. 微生物学
  • 杂志315升. 脊椎动物学
  • 杂志317升. 生物化学
  • 杂志319升. 动物生理学
  • BIOL 431. 生理应激和疾病中的信号转导
  • BIOL 432. 营养与大脑健康
  • BIOL 446. 细菌的发病机理
  • BIOL 473. 感觉生物


  • 杂志215升. Botany
  • 杂志222升. 无脊椎动物
  • BIOL 236. 全球变化、进化和生物多样性
  • BIOL 302. 两栖动物生态与保育
  • 杂志308升. 微生物学
  • 杂志315升. 脊椎动物学
  • 杂志319升. 动物生理学
  • 杂志434升. 进化生物学
  • BIOL 473. 感觉生物


  • 杂志206升. 组织生理学说
  • BIOL 211. 电子显微镜
  • BIOL 224. Genetics
  • 杂志226升. 分子生物学的基础和技术
  • 杂志227升. 细胞生物学
  • 杂志310升. 发育生物学
  • 杂志317升. 生物化学
  • BIOL 324. 神经生物学中的高级分子方法
  • BIOL 446. 细菌的发病机理
  • BIOL 464. 分子遗传学


  • 杂志215升. Botany
  • 杂志222升. 无脊椎动物
  • BIOL 233. 保护生物学
  • BIOL 236. 全球变化、进化和生物多样性
  • BIOL 302. 两栖动物生态与保育
  • 杂志315升. 脊椎动物学
  • 杂志333升. Ecology
  • BIOL 429. 生态学行为机制
  • School for Field Studies (SFS) field course (as approved by the department)


美联社/ IB信贷: Students who receive a score of 4 or 5 on the AP examination 在生物学中 may receive one course credit toward graduation. 本课程学分可 not 他被计入生物专业, nor does it exempt students from any of the courses required for the major. IB学分也不能作为生物专业的学分.

研究了: While there are many general programs of study away for Trinity students, biology majors interested in foreign study should be aware of programs designed particularly for serious biological study outside the College. Examples of suitable programs in which Trinity students participate regularly are listed below:

  • 杜克大学海洋实验室
  • 说哥本哈根
  • 实地研究学院(肯尼亚/坦桑尼亚的实地地点), 哥斯达黎加, 特克斯和凯科斯群岛, Bhutan, 及澳洲/新西兰)
  • 热带研究组织
  • 海洋生物实验环境科学学期
  • 海洋学期,伍兹霍尔

财团的课程生物系接受生物学分 预先批准的 哈特福德高等教育机构联盟提供的课程.

经主席批准后, up to 3 biology courses taken away from 全球十大网赌正规平台’s biology department may be counted towards the biology major. Students wishing to apply more than three courses taken away from our home department should petition the department for permission.

Honors寻求荣誉的学生必须申请生物荣誉课程. This application must be in written form and should be submitted to the chair of biology before the 学生第六学期课程的第六周. 生物系将根据每个申请采取行动. Students seeking honors must have completed five biology courses that count toward the major by the end of their fifth semester, 这些课程的平均成绩必须至少达到3分.3 (B+). 此外,他们必须在他们的工作中表现出学术意图. Students not qualifying for the honors program after five semesters may be invited by the faculty to enter the program at a later time.